What Inspires Us
The women we work with in West Africa are our biggest inspiration. They are brave, resilient and very tired. It is with great honor that we try to bring simple irrigation infrastructure so that they better address the barriers they face, on their own terms.
And Other’s Models
“Access to clean water is perhaps the single most powerful tool for sparking economic growth that humanity has ever known. Every $1 invested in clean water can yield up to $12 in economic returns.”
The Bill & Melinda Gates
“For many African women, time-poverty is about water, unpaid labor and working constantly. The most important investment we can make for the world is to make clean energy available.”
Augustin Gavin,
president ARAPAZ
“We’ve spent 25 years working for a fairer world. Our focus in Africa is food security through women’s gardens and we are proud to be partnering with Canada’s Water For African Women.”
Combined with our Trust & Humour
“Our humour builds trust with the women of my country. We play, we laugh, they share, we listen. This kind of confidence and dignity is entirely unique; I know it is why our projects succeed.”
Awa Ba - Community Organizer, Water For African Women